Attallah kappas biography books

Biography books on famous people

Kappas, Attallah () was a leading authority in diseases related to liver function and metabolism and in the development of diagnostics and treatments for those conditions.
attallah kappas biography books

Attallah kappas biography books

Attallah Kappas (Auth.), Nader G. Abraham (Eds.) - Heme Oxygenase in Biology and Medicine (, Springer US) - - Free ebook download as PDF File .pdf), Text File .txt) or .

Attallah kappas biography books free

Attallah Kappas, MD, professor emeritus at The Rockefeller University and physician-in-chief emeritus at The Rockefeller University Hospital, died December 18, at .
Attallah kappas biography books pdf
This volume of hot topics is dedicated to Attallah Kappas, M.D., former Vice President of The Rockefeller University Hospital and Professor of Pharmacology, for his contribution in .