Detlef eckert biography of rory

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After retiring from the Commission in , Detlef Eckert joined Huawei Technologies in Shenzhen, China, where he worked until February He engaged with governments Missing: rory.

detlef eckert biography of rory

Detlef eckert biography of rory

Detlef Eckert is a consultant with Brussels-based FIPRA and an economist who has spent most of his career with the European Commission.

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Administrative metadata: 40 Years of European Digital Policies, Forgotten Lessons, by Detlef EckertMissing: rory.

Rebuilding a society: Binghamton researchers look to help Ukrainians affected by war
Detlef Eckert, a former and long-standing high-ranking EC official, has published a timely book critically examining EU digital and telecoms g: biography · rory.