Dhumketu biography in gujarati horoscopes
Dhumketu biography in gujarati horoscopes calendar
Gaurishankar Govardhanram Joshi (–), better known by his pen name Dhumaketu, was an Indian Gujarati-language writer, who is considered one of the pioneers of the Gujarati short story.
Dhumketu biography in gujarati horoscopes
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Dhumketu biography in gujarati horoscopes today
જોશી ગૌરીશંકર ગોવર્ધનરામ, ‘ધૂમકેતુ’ (૧૨-૧૨-૧૮૯૨, ૧૧-૩-૧૯૬૫): નવલિકાકાર, નવલકથાકાર, ચિંતક-વિવેચક, નિબંધકાર, ચરિત્રકાર, નાટ્યકાર.
Dhumketu biography in gujarati horoscopes daily
1) Dhumketu was a master of the Gujarati short story and novel, successfully writing in all genres except poetry.