Edward steichen gloria swanson
Edward Steichen. Gloria Swanson, New York. 1924 | MoMA
Edward Steichen’s iconic image of Gloria Swanson is one of the most celebrated portraits of the 20th Century and remains captivating nearly a century after its making.
Edward steichen gloria swanson
Gloria Swansonová, New York (nepřechýleně Gloria Swanson) je černobílá fotografie pořízená americkým fotografem Edwardem Steichenem v roce Obrázek zachycuje přední .
Edward steichen
This glamorous photograph, taken by Steichen , is one of a collection of celebrity portraits commissioned by Vanity Fair magazine.
Edward Steichen - Photographs New York Monday, April 9, 2018
In –19, MoMA collaborated with Google Arts & Culture Lab on a project using machine learning to identify artworks in installation photos.